Герцлия Медикал Центр
Тел. +972-9-959-4888
Cancer treatment at the Cancer Center of the private clinic «Herzliya» is:
Diagnosis of oncology at the Herzliya Medical Center is a quick and effective process that allows you to get the most accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective cancer treatment plan in Israel.
The clinic’s diagnostic laboratory services are used by various international research projects that do not allow errors and, all the more, false results. Over the 30-year existence of the clinic, there was not a single case of an erroneous diagnosis. According to the standards established in Israel, the interpretation of the results is carried out by a qualified medical specialist. All this allows for the most accurate diagnosis of cancer and prescribe optimal antitumor therapy.
When diagnosing cancer at the Herzliya Cancer Center, the most modern endoscopic, imaging and laboratory methods are used. The high accuracy of the studies we use allows us to refute many of the diagnoses made at the place of residence.
Every year, the Herzliya Medical Center private clinic performs thousands of operations related to the treatment of oncological tumors of various organs. These include complex surgical interventions in connection with malignant tumors of the stomach, esophagus, liver and pancreas. Operations on the liver and pancreas are considered in modern surgery as a “measure of quality”: their success allows us to judge the general level of the medical institution. In a private clinic, Herzliya Medical Center, mortality due to complex operations on the pancreas is less than 1%. In order to increase the effectiveness of surgical cancer treatment, our clinic practices advanced methods of intraoperative treatment — intraoperative chemo- and radiotherapy. The key to successful oncology treatment in Israel is timely diagnosis — do not hesitate,
Due to the discovery of specific factors inherent in cancer cells, it was possible to create targeted (targeted) drugs that selectively affect only malignant tumors. Targeted cancer therapy is widely used for treatment in Israel , complementing or replacing other methods.
Герцлия Медикал Центр
Тел. +972-9-959-4888