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Лечение рака легких в Израиле

Лечение рака легких в Израиле

Lung cancer treatment in IsraelHerzliya Private Clinic, thanks to early diagnosis and modern techniques, has achieved amazing results in the treatment of lung cancer in Israelat all stages of the disease, which led to a significant reduction in mortality from this type of oncology. Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases in the world. In Israel, as in other developed countries, in recent decades there has been a tendency to increase incidence, despite intensive preventive measures and the fight against smoking — the main risk factor associated with the occurrence of malignant tumors in the lungs. In “Herzliya Medical Center” treatment is planned strictly individually. Along with the traditional methods — surgery, chemotherapy — Herzliya Medical Center actively uses targeted therapy and stereotactic radiosurgery to treat lung cancer.

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops from epithelial tissue. Depending on the histological type, primary lung cancer is divided into two categories: small cell and non-small cell cancer. The non-small cell type accounts for approximately 80% of the total number of cases of lung cancer. In addition, malignant foci in the lung tissue can be secondary in nature, that is, they are metastases of tumors that have formed in other organs. Such neoplasms are not lung cancer, differing from it in their histological characteristics and prognosis. Cancer treatment in Israel begins primarily with a thorough diagnosis, including histopathological analysis of tumor tissue.

Read also: Surgery for non-small cell lung cancer

Read also: Surgery for small cell lung cancer

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Lung cancer symptoms

Early diagnosis is challenging, as the symptoms of lung cancer may be absent or non-specific in the initial stages of the disease. The most characteristic symptom is a persistent cough, which may be accompanied by sputum separation (including streaks of blood). Shortness of breath, chest pain, and recurrent respiratory tract infections may develop.

Herzliya Medical Center lung cancer diagnostic program:

  • Consultation with a specialist oncologist;
  • Laboratory tests, including tumor markers;
  • Spirometry, stress test, radiography and CT scan of the lungs with a low dose of radiation. As necessary and depending on the results of X-ray and CT, a PET-CT scan can be assigned to more accurately determine the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • Biopsy during bronchoscopy or revision of pathological material.

Diagnostic cost: 3500 — 9815 $

Lung cancer treatment in Israel

The treatment of lung cancer in Israel is planned individually, based on the stage of the disease, the histological type of the tumor and the general health of the patient. Non-small cell lung cancer at stages 1-2 can be treated surgically. If the tumor has a small diameter, limited to the lungs and regional lymph nodes, its removal is technically feasible.

Surgical treatment of lung cancer

Surgical treatment of lung cancer in Israel consists in the removal of an entire lung (pneumectomy) or resection of the pulmonary lobe (lobectomy), as well as dissection of adjacent lymph nodes.


The treatment of lung cancer in Israel, as a rule, includes several courses of combination chemotherapy. Chemotherapy may be prescribed prior to surgery to reduce the size of the tumor. Postoperative chemotherapy is aimed at killing residual cancer cells and preventing relapse.

Targeted lung cancer therapy

Targeted drugs recognize specific signs characteristic of malignant cells. The principle of action of targeted (targeted) drugs is based on a violation of the vital functions of cancer cells (growth, division) or blood supply to the tumor. Targeted therapy can be prescribed as an independent treatment method or in combination with chemotherapy in order to increase its effectiveness.

Biological therapy

Biological therapy in the treatment of lung cancer in Israel is an innovative and highly promising direction in conservative oncology.

The prognosis of lung cancer is largely determined by timely diagnosis. However, even in severe cases, in the late stages of the disease, the complex treatment strategies used in the private clinic of Herzliya Medical Center can achieve a positive result.

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Герцлия Медикал Центр

Тел. +972-9-959-4888
