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Лечение рака яичек

Лечение рака яичек

Testicular Cancer TreatmentTesticular cancer treatment in Israel is  carried out by the country’s best oncologists at the Herzliya Medical Center Hospital. The hospital team applies the most advanced methods of complex therapy of this form of cancer. The successes of Israeli oncologists in the treatment of testicular cancer are based on progressive diagnostic techniques, the achievements of surgical technology, as well as the latest discoveries in the field of pharmacology and radiotherapy.

What is testicular cancer?

The term testicular cancer means two main types of malignant tumors originating from the membranes and organ parenchyma:

  • Semenoma
  • Non-semen malignant neoplasms.

Tumors of the testis, depending on the histological structure, differ significantly from each other in growth rate and propensity for metastatic spread. The most aggressive forms of testicular cancer are choriocarcinoma and embryonic carcinoma. Typically, testicular cancer develops after puberty. Most cases of this oncology occur in patients aged 15 to 55 years.

Causes of testicular cancer

Scientists are still not able to detect a unique cause of testicular cancer. Continuous studies in this direction have identified a number of factors that increase the likelihood of developing a malignant neoplasm, including:

  • Genetic predisposition. The likelihood of developing testicular cancer is significantly higher in the presence of the disease in the immediate family. A high percentage of the incidence of this form of oncology is noted in carriers of certain genetic mutations (for example, with Klinefelter’s syndrome);
  • The endemic nature of the disease. The highest incidence of testicular cancer is observed among residents of the countries of Northern Europe;
  • Cryptorchidism (undescended testicle in the scrotum). Finding the testis in the abdominal cavity increases the risk of malignant transformation, while early surgical intervention for cryptorchidism in children is of great preventive value;
  • Impaired secretory function of the testis. Patients with a low percentage of sperm in the seminal fluid (including those diagnosed with male infertility) are at risk of developing cancer;
  • Hormonal factors;
  • Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as well as the development of clinical acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

It is important to note that numerous studies have not established a link between the procedure for ligation of the spermatic cord (vasectomy) with the development of testicular cancer.

Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

The first symptom of testicular cancer that causes patients to see a doctor is usually a painless enlargement of one of the testicles. Discomfort, and then pain, occurs as the tumor grows and the testicle capsule stretches. Violation of the venous outflow early leads to swelling of the scrotum. At the advanced stages, the symptoms of testicular cancer include an increase in regional (inguinal) lymph nodes and signs of metastatic damage to internal organs. Any increase in the size of the testicle, as well as the presence of blood in the seminal fluid is suspicious of a tumor and requires immediate medical attention.

Diagnosis of testicular cancer

Doctors at the Herzliya Medical Center clinic use the following procedures to diagnose testicular cancer:

  • Ultrasound examination of the scrotum, testicles, as well as organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvis;
  • Blood tests for  tumor markers  (alpha-fetoprotein, beta fraction of chorionic gonadotropin, milk dehydrogenase and placental alkaline phosphatase);
  • Testicular biopsy is the most important procedure for the diagnosis of testicular cancer, which allows you to accurately determine the histological type of tumor (final diagnosis);
  • Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET-CT). These imaging methods are used in cases of suspected secondary tumor spread (diagnosis of testicular cancer metastases);
  • Isotopic bone scan (with suspected skeletal tumor metastases).

Testicular cancer treatment at the Herzliya Medical Center Hospital

The testicular cancer treatment protocol is selected by oncologists of the Herzliya Medical Center hospital in accordance with the histological type of neoplasm and the stage of tumor spread. The main  cancer treatments  are:

  • Surgical removal of the primary tumor — removal of one or both testicles, as well as the affected lymph nodes and diagnosed metastases. In a number of cases, with common forms of the disease, a cytoreduction operation is shown to increase the effectiveness of complex antitumor therapy;
  • Chemotherapy is part of the main protocols for the treatment of testicular cancer in Israel. Modern anticancer drugs used in the treatment of cancer in Israel are highly effective in the vast majority of forms of the disease;

The main methods for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment for testicular cancer are subsequent monitoring of tumor markers and determining the foci of pathological absorption of the radioactive isotope on PET-CT.

Testicular cancer prognosis

The pronounced sensitivity of testicular cancer to modern methods of antitumor therapy allows to achieve a high percentage (up to 95%) of full recovery even with a common tumor process (metastases). Early and maximally accurate diagnosis of testicular cancer, as well as a highly professional approach to the treatment of this type of oncology, guarantee excellent results. Oncologists at the Herzliya Medical Center clinic are developing an individual treatment program using the most effective regimens. Subsequent observation prevents the development of a relapse of the disease and allows timely detection of secondary foci of cancer.

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Герцлия Медикал Центр

Тел. +972-9-959-4888
