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Лечение рака желчного пузыря

Лечение рака желчного пузыря

Gallbladder Cancer TreatmentModern and effective treatment of gallbladder cancer in Israel allows the vast majority of patients to permanently get rid of the disease or achieve a stable remission. The best private clinic, Herzliya Medical Center, specializes in the comprehensive treatment of oncology in Israel and is known worldwide for its unrivaled professional level and rich technological base, which allows for complex surgical interventions and the introduction of innovative technologies for minimally invasive and conservative cancer treatment in Israel. The Herzliya Medical Center private clinic is hosted by leading specialists in the field of oncology and surgery, guaranteeing the quality of treatment and patient safety at the highest international standards.

Gall bladder cancer

Gallbladder cancer is a malignant tumor that grows from squamous or glandular epithelium cells. The malignant nature of the disease is caused by the atypical nature of cancer cells, which have the ability to quickly and uncontrollably grow, causing disturbances in the outflow of bile, sprouting into the structures surrounding the gallbladder, and spreading to distant organs by the lymphogenous route. Timely diagnosis of gallbladder cancer has important prognostic value, however, at the advanced stages of the disease, specialists at the Herzliya Medical Center hospital manage to provide effective assistance to patients.

Gallbladder Cancer Symptoms

Signs of the disease are caused primarily by early occurring violations of the normal outflow of bile. The main symptoms of gallbladder cancer requiring immediate medical attention are:

  • Increasing abdominal pain, especially in the right hypochondrium. The presence of a chronic inflammatory process or cholelithiasis can mask the onset of the development of a malignant neoplasm, complicating its early diagnosis;
  • Dyspeptic disorders — nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, which are progressive in nature;
  • Periodically occurring fever, often accompanied by chills;
  • A sharp causeless weight loss;
  • Signs of a violation of the outflow of bile are yellowness of the skin and sclera of the eyes, itchy skin, discoloration of feces and dark color of urine. All these are signs of so-called obstructive jaundice caused by a tumor, which makes it difficult for bile to exit the gallbladder.

Since the initial symptoms of gallbladder cancer are not strictly specific, any suspicion of a tumor requires a detailed differential diagnosis.

Diagnosis of gallbladder cancer

Modern methods for the diagnosis of gallbladder diseases, successfully used by specialists of the Herzliya Medical Center private clinic, will help to determine the presence of a tumor in a timely manner. Hospital patients are given the opportunity to undergo all the necessary procedures used to diagnose gallbladder cancer in Israel, such as:

  • Laboratory tests that accurately determine the violation of hepatic function and the presence of obstructive jaundice;
  • X-ray methods and visual diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound, CT, PET-CT, MRI not only determine the presence of a tumor or metastatic lesion, but also accurately determine the degree of involvement of neighboring structures of the gastrointestinal tract in the pathological process, which is extremely important when planning further treatment
  • Endoscopic and minimally invasive diagnostic methods that allow biopsy of tissues suspected of a tumor. If necessary, a diagnostic laparoscopy is performed, depending on the result of which a decision can be made on the immediate surgical procedure.

Gallbladder Cancer Treatment in Israel

In the private clinic «Herzliya Medical Center» the most modern methods of treating gallbladder cancer in Israel are carried out, based on the latest developments of the leading oncological centers in the world, including:

  • Removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) and regional lymph nodes — shown in the initial and isolated forms of the tumor. All removed tissues undergo a thorough histological examination for the presence of cancer cells in the area of ​​surgical borders and lymph nodes.
  • Surgery for the common form of cancer of the gallbladder — may include partial resection of the liver or Whipple surgery, in which anatomical structures with common blood and lymph circulation are removed adjacent to the tumor
  • Palliative surgery aimed at preventing the development of obstructive jaundice in patients with advanced cancer
  • Chemotherapy as the main or auxiliary cancer treatment in Israel is successfully used to suppress the growth and spread of the tumor.

Many years of experience, modern technology and the professional approach of the specialists of the private clinic of Herzliya Medical Center will help to defeat a serious illness, leaving no chance for cancer.

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Герцлия Медикал Центр

Тел. +972-9-959-4888
