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Лечение саркомы

Лечение саркомы

Sarcoma Treatment in IsraelTreatment of sarcoma in Israel is based on the results of recent scientific research in the field of oncology, which allows to achieve a positive effect at all stages of the disease. The leading private clinic, Herzliya Medical Center, specializes in modern methods of treating oncology in Israel, helping patients from all over the world. The impressive successes of oncologists and surgeons of the private clinic “Herzliya Medical Center” are due to the high professional level of the staff and the excellent technological base of the hospital, allowing the immediate implementation of innovative techniques that are highly effective and safe for patients.

What makes sarcoma different from other cancers?

Sarcomas are a group of malignant neoplasms that, unlike other types of cancer, originate in the cells of connective tissue (tissue of bones, muscles, cartilage, blood vessels and fatty tissue). By attacking various internal organs, sarcomas can quickly reach large sizes, exerting significant mechanical pressure, grow into neighboring organs, damage nerve trunks and blood vessels, and also relatively early metastasize. Unlike epithelial tumors (carcinoma, or skin cancer ), sarcomas often spread through the body not by the lymphogenous but by the hematogenous route (through the circulatory system). Rapid tumor growth and early metastatic spread require timely diagnosis and a professional approach to treatment, on which the further prognosis depends.

The main types of sarcomas

Sarcomas are divided into two large subgroups, depending on the type of tissue from which the tumor originates. There are neoplasms of hard and soft tissues. Hard tissue sarcomas include:

  • Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm originating from cartilage. Affecting the cartilage, the tumor can destroy nearby bones, as well as metastasize mainly to the lungs;
  • Osteosarcoma originates in bone tissue, rapidly infiltrating the bone structure, causing excruciating pains and pathological fractures. This type of tumor is characterized by early hematogenous metastasis to the lungs and brain;
  • Ewing’s sarcoma is a type of bone sarcoma that primarily affects tubular bones.

In the primary lesion of soft tissue, sarcomas are distinguished:

  • Stromal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract with a primary lesion of the stomach, small or large intestine;
  • Liposarcoma develops from adipose tissue. Depending on the degree of differentiation of malignant cells, it may differ by slow or vice versa, rapid growth and early metastasis;
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma comes from the cells of striated muscles, and most often affects the skeletal muscles of the limbs;
  • Leiomyosarcoma — unlike rhabdomyosarcoma originates in the smooth muscle fibers of the internal organs;
  • Synovial sarcoma develops from cells of the articular membranes and muscle fascia;
  • Fibrosarcoma begins in the cells of the connective walls in the thickness of muscle tissue, tendons and articular structures;
  • Neurofibrosarcoma — a malignant tumor from the membrane of the peripheral nerves;
  • Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma — originates from undifferentiated stem cells and often has a fast and aggressive course.

Common Sarcoma Symptoms

The clinical manifestations of the tumor are extremely diverse and depend on its histological type, location and stage of the disease. The rapid growth of the neoplasm, as a rule, leads to impaired functions of the affected organ, discomfort and pain. With rapidly growing forms of sarcoma, an increase in symptoms is noted as neighboring organs are involved in the process and metastatic foci appear. The development of signs of sarcoma occurs against a background of malignant intoxication, manifested by general weakness, periodic fever and progressive weight loss. Slow-growing forms of sarcoma, especially in the abdominal cavity can reach significant sizes before the onset of the first clinical manifestations. The importance of timely diagnosis requires immediate medical attention in cases of development of suspiciouscancer symptoms .

Sarcoma diagnosis

In the private clinic «Herzliya Medical Center» all the necessary diagnostic procedures are carried out, allowing to determine the presence, type and stage of the disease in time. Among the widely used methods for diagnosing sarcoma in Israel, it should be noted:

  • Methods of x-ray and visual diagnostics, including x-ray studies using a contrast medium, ultrasound, CT, PET-CT, MRI and isotopic bone scan;
  • Endoscopic diagnosis of hollow organs, in contrast to epithelial forms of cancer, is less informative in sarcoma, however, the use of fiber-optic examination of the abdominal cavity (diagnostic laparoscopy with the possibility of biopsy) has important diagnostic value;
  • A biopsy allows you to establish an accurate final diagnosis. If sarcoma is suspected, the method of excision (surgical) biopsy is preferable, which is often used in the diagnosis of this type of tumor by aspiration (minimally invasive) biopsy.

Sarcoma Treatment in Israel

After a thorough diagnosis , oncologists at the Herzliya Medical Center private clinic develop an individual treatment program, taking into account the histological type of sarcoma, the stage of the disease, and the general condition of the patient. Among the main methods of modern treatment of sarcoma in Israel, it is important to note:

  • Radical surgery to completely remove the tumor is today the main treatment for localized types of sarcoma and allows for timely recovery with timely diagnosis;
  • Chemotherapy is an effective cancer treatment in Israel , widely used before and after surgery. In cases where removal of the tumor is not possible, chemotherapy is the main treatment for sarcoma and can successfully control the growth of malignant cells and the spread of the disease;
  • Radiotherapy is indicated for radiation-sensitive forms of the disease;
  • Innovative methods of targeted and immune therapy of sarcoma open up prospects for the effective treatment of recurrent forms of the disease with minimal side effects.

Timely appeal for highly professional medical help to the specialists of the private clinic Herzliya Medical Center guarantees the maximum effectiveness of treatment, returning the hope of recovery.

Контактные данные

Герцлия Медикал Центр

Тел. +972-9-959-4888
