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Лечение метастазов меланомы

Лечение метастазов меланомы

Treatment of metastases of melanomaЭффективное лечение метастазов меланомы в Израиле проводится специалистами онкологического отделения ведущей частной клиники «Герцлия Медикал Центр». Применение современных технологий своевременного обнаружения вторичного распространения этого тяжелого онкологического заболевания, а также внедрение инновационных методов консервативного и хирургического лечения метастазов меланомы, позволило коллективу больницы «Герцлия Медикал Центр» добиться прекрасных результатов выживаемости и продолжительной ремиссии у подавляющего большинства пациентов.

Основные пути метастазирования меланомы

Melanoma is an extremely malignant tumor originating in the pigment cells (melanocytes) of the skin, mucous membranes and retina (less commonly). This type of cancer is highly invasive (penetrating) and prone to early spread of distant metastases. The main ways metastasis of melanoma are:

  • Contact propagation — the germination of a tumor in neighboring organs and tissues;
  • Lymphogenic route of distribution. In this case, malignant cells; spread through the lymphatic system and metastases of melanoma are formed both in regional lymph nodes and in organs distant from the primary focus;
  • Hematogenous distribution. A metastasis pathway in which malignant cells enter the bloodstream. Metastases of melanoma in the liver, lungs, bones and brain are usually hematogenous.

Melanoma metastases develop with untimely diagnosis or insufficient treatment methods. It is important to note that timely access to specialized centers for the diagnosis and  treatment of melanoma in Israel  will help prevent the risk of secondary spread.

The main methods of treatment of metastases of melanoma

In the  treatment of cancer in Israel , including metastatic melanoma, all modern methods of complex therapy are used, among which it is important to note:

  • Surgical removal with a metastatic process — possibly with single and localized foci. Both lymph nodes and secondary tumors of parenchymal organs are subject to removal. In some cases, patients with metastatic melanoma are shown cytoreduction surgery, which reduces the mass of malignant cells and increases the effectiveness of complex anti-cancer therapy;
  • Chemotherapy is  indicated for the vast majority of forms of metastatic melanoma. The clinic’s specialists apply modern protocols that include highly effective antitumor drugs (Dacarbazine, Temozolamide). Along with traditional methods of using chemotherapeutic agents, oncologists of the clinic mastered an innovative method of electrochemotherapy using electric impulses that increase the effectiveness of drug treatment;
  • Immunotherapy of  metastases in melanoma is a new and highly promising method, which is also effective in relapsing forms of the disease. Drugs like Interleukin-2 and Imiquimod help the immune system recognize and destroy cancer cells throughout the body. Melanoma vaccination methods are being intensively developed;
  • Immunotherapy TIL. The principle of operation of this method is to activate the natural defense mechanism of man. Several metastases of melanoma are surgically removed, after which tumor cells and TIL cells (tumor infiltrating lymphocytes) are removed. We are talking about lymphocytes, which managed to infiltrate into the tumor in order to destroy it. It is these cells that artificially reproduce in the laboratory for 2-4 weeks, after which they are introduced back into the body with blood plasma;
  • The possibility of using targeted (targeted) therapy for metastatic melanoma is determined in the laboratory of the Herzliya Medical Center clinic. Clinical oncologists have extensive experience with the successful use of targeted drugs such as Ipilimumab, Sorafenib, Dabrafenib, Vemurafenib, Nivolumab and Pembrolizumab;
  • Radiation therapy  for metastases of melanoma is used both for skin manifestations of the disease and for damage to internal organs. The Herzliya Medical Center clinic uses unique methods of radiosurgery, allowing to remove metastatic foci in areas that are difficult to access for surgical removal.

Treatment of metastases of melanoma in the lymph nodes

Single lymph nodes or groups of lymph nodes involved in the malignant process can be removed surgically. As a rule, the operation is carried out in combination with radiotherapy and drug treatment, which increases the likelihood of complete destruction of malignant cells. Treatment of metastases of melanoma in the lymph nodes is carried out under the control of highly accurate diagnostic methods that are sensitive to changes in the rate of tissue metabolic processes (PET-CT).

Treatment of liver metastases of melanoma

In a private clinic, Herzliya Medical Center, operations are performed to remove liver metastases of melanoma. In addition to surgical treatment, with appropriate indications, it is possible to conduct a minimally invasive procedure of high-frequency ablation of the tumor focus. Chemotherapy-sensitive forms of the tumor can be treated effectively by the method of chemoembolization of the hepatic artery. The high sensitivity of hepatocytes (liver cells) to radiation limits the use of classical protocols for the irradiation of metastatic foci, however, recently, methods of radiosurgery of inoperable liver metastases of melanoma have been developed.

Treatment of metastases of melanoma in the lungs

Features of the anatomical structure contribute to the rapid growth of metastases of melanoma in the lungs. Surgical removal of single foci is carried out, as a rule, after preliminary (neoadjuvant) therapy, which aims to reduce the size of the pathological process. Specialists of the Herzliya Medical Center hospital, along with traditional methods, apply innovative high-precision radiation technologies ( Cyber ​​Knife ), such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy, which can significantly reduce side effects in the treatment of lung melanoma metastases.

Treatment of brain metastases of melanoma

The prognosis of patients with melanoma metastases to the brain was fundamentally changed by the innovative radiosurgery technique (stereotactic radiotherapy). The use of intensive and high-precision radiation, precisely focused on the metastatic focus, allows the patient to safely remove deep and inoperable metastases. Radiosurgery is used for both single and multiple metastases of melanoma in the brain and is highly effective also in relapsing processes.

An integrated approach to the treatment of metastases of melanoma

The secondary spread of melanoma affects many organs and systems of the body and requires an integrated approach to the diagnosis and selection of the optimal treatment strategy. In their practice,  oncologists at  the Herzliya Medical Center clinic use the results of the latest discoveries of the world’s leading centers for the study of melanoma and guarantee an individual approach to the treatment of each patient, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease, reaction to previous therapy and the presence of concomitant medical problems.

Контактные данные

Герцлия Медикал Центр

Тел. +972-9-959-4888
