The Radiology Center of the Herzliya Medical Center Hospital offers a win-win combination of the latest imaging diagnostic systems and services of leading radiologists and certified radiologists. Thus, our patients receive accurate diagnostic information in the shortest possible time.
Our digital radiological center has the latest generation of imaging systems: CT, ultrasound, radiography (general x-ray, MRI, dopplerography) and interventional radiology systems). All diagnostic information is stored in a computerized archive. This enables efficient data management and remote consultation.
General radiography
Digital fluoroscopy and digital images at low radiation levels allow you to perform a wide range of studies of all parts of the body, for example:
- UGI — X-ray examination of the upper digestive tract: esophagus, duodenum, small intestine;
- Barium enema;
- X-ray examination of the urinary tract (intravenous pyelography);
- Cystography and retrograde ureterography;
- Correction of the ring after surgery to reduce the stomach;
- Hysterography ;
- Pictures of the brush to assess growth (bone age);
- Pictures of all parts of the skeleton;
- Fluoroscopy in operating rooms using the new C-ARM device and the O-ARM mobile CT device;
- Mini C-ARM device for fluoroscopy of small organs with low radiation in the operating room;
- Radiography using a mobile device in the patient’s room.
All radiological studies are performed by licensed X-ray technicians with extensive experience, and decryption is done by highly qualified radiologists. You can get all the images on a disc (CD). Images are stored in the hospital’s digital archive (PACS), and patients have the opportunity to receive copies of their images in the future.
Ultrasound examination — ultrasound
Ultrasound is a test in which radiation is not used. Our center uses digital equipment of the highest level, which improves the quality of diagnostics.
Types of ultrasound
- Urinary tract, lymphatic system, abdominal cavity, pelvic organs, biliary tract and gynecological ultrasound;
- A special transducer for examining small organs: the prostate gland, thyroid gland, testicles, mammary gland and subcutaneous tumors;
- amniocentesis ;
- Sample of villous chorion;
- Dopplerography: cervical arteries, peripheral vessels, central veins, diagnosis of aneurysms;
- Ultrasound-guided biopsy
- FNA — fine-needle aspiration biopsy under ultrasound control: breast, thyroid, lymph nodes, liver, etc.
All data is stored in a digital archive (PACS). This allows a future comparative analysis of the images and the issuance of copies of the records in accordance with the patient’s requirements.
CT — computed tomography
This study allows you to create a three-dimensional image of the internal organs of the body. It helps diagnose various diseases in the body or plan and perform some invasive procedures and operations. Our hospital uses a tomograph manufactured by PHILIPS. Thanks to it, you can make a comprehensive, reliable and accurate scan of all parts of the body: heart and coronary vessels, blood vessels, spine, joints, bone tissue, head, brain, abdominal cavity, liver, spleen and urinary system. A special imaging program has been installed on the tomograph, which allows to reduce the dose of radiation received by the patient.
All studies are performed by licensed X-ray technicians with extensive experience, and the best radiologists in Israel make transcripts.
Types of computed tomography
- CT coronary angiography — virtual coronarography (coronary angiography without catheterization ) using computed tomography, one of the most advanced research in the world;
- Virtual colonoscopy to detect neoplasms in the large intestine;
- CT angiography for visualization of blood vessels — neck, cranium, lower limbs, kidneys, urinary tract and abdominal arteries;
- Examination of bones of the hands, ankles, shoulders, and pelvic joints to assess fractures and adhesions; Construction of three-dimensional images and reconstructions in additional dimensions using a computer;
- Measurement of the length of the lower extremities;
- For the treatment of malignant neoplasms using radiofrequency ablation under CT control;
- Percutaneous biopsies that require accurate CT monitoring: chest, abdomen, pelvis, bones;
- Drainage of deep abscesses;
- Low-dose computed tomography of the chest for heavy smokers for the early diagnosis of lung cancer;
- CT of the urinary tract to detect stones;
- CT urography for visualization of the urinary system;
- CT enterography to visualize the small intestine along its entire length.
Breast Cancer Center
Mammography — Mammography, mammography with tomosynthesis and 3D.
Breast ultrasound
Breast biopsy
Interventional Radiology
The procedures are performed in a special x-ray surgical room equipped with the latest low-radiation equipment. The device is capable of processing images and shooting in motion to create axial sections, as in CT, as well as process three-dimensional images.
Types of interventional radiology research
Diagnostic angiography of limbs and arteries
- Vascular catheterization — medical and diagnostic: elimination of stenosis of the vessels of the limbs and in other areas of the body with the help of a balloon, stent and / or graph stent;
- Introduction of central catheters into deep veins — for dialysis and chemotherapy;
- Installation of an implantable / venous catheter Port-A-Cath;
- Treatment of complications of fistulas or shunts for hemodialysis;
- Retrograde pancreatocholangiography of blocked bile ducts;
- Nephrostomy for outflow of urine;
- Different types of biopsies: soft tissues, lungs, abdominal organs, bones, FNA or TRUCUT;
- Removal of tumors from bones (Osteoma);
- Treatment of liver tumors (radiofrequency thermal ablation);
- Embolization (clogging) of vessels supplying tumors or aneurysms;
- Blockage of dilated veins;
- Fixation of spinal fractures requiring fluoroscopy control;
- Labeling of neoplasms before their removal (by new technology);
- Embolization (blockage) of vessels supplying prostate tumors embolization of the prostate arteries .
All procedures are performed by leading interventional radiologists using specialized equipment for each inspection and manipulation.